Απ: Η Διαδικασiα μου 2149 μοσχευμάτων με τήν HDC
Mouratidis είπε:
Γεια σου Αλεξ και συγχαρητηρια το αποτελεσμα ειναι πραγματικα εντυπωσιακο!
Θελω να σε ρωτησω εσυ που εισαι πιο πολυ κατατοπισμενος στο θεμα,ξερω οτι υπαρχουν διαφοροι γιατροι στο HDC αλλοι ασχολουνται με FUE και αλλοι με στριπ. Πιστευεις οτι αυτοι που πχ. κανουν την στριπ ειναι εξισου καλοι οσο αυτοι που κανουν την FUE οσον αφορα αποτελεσμα(πυκνοτητα,hairline,κλπ).?Θελω να πω υπαρχει καποιος απου αυτους τους γιατρους που ισως να ειναι προτιμητεος οσον αφορα την εμειρια και την ικανοτητα του η ειναι ολοι εξισου καλοι?
Φίλε Mouratides,
Το δικό μου FUE το έχει κάνει ο Dr Μιχάλης. Στην κλινική μας ο Dr Μιχάλης κάνει τα περιστατικά FUE και ο Dr Μάρας με τον Dr Κωνσταντινίδη τα περιστατικά STRIP.
Όσο αφορά τα αποτελέσματα(πυκνότητα, hairline) είτε αυτό είναι STRIP η FUE οποιοσδήποτε ιατρός στην κλινική μας και αν το κάνει είναι εξίσου καλά. Η επιλογή της μεθόδου εξαρτάται από διάφορους παράγοντες και θα ήταν ορθό να συζητηθεί προτού κάποιος καταλήξει σε μια από τες δυο.
Τα αποτελέσματα STRIP που έχουν δημοσιευτεί στο Forum έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί από τον Dr Μάρα και τον Dr Κωνσταντινίδη.
Σχετικά με το θέμα έχω διαβάσει ένα post σε ένα αγγλικό forum το οποίο εξηγεί αρκετά πράγματα για την αναγκαιότητα της ομαδικής δουλειάς. Σας το παραθέτω αυτούσιο
was thinking about this for some time and think its appropriate to make a post...
What is the relative importance of surgeon skills, technician skills, and the actual patient post-op care?
It seems that most clinics depend HEAVILY on technicians to place the actual grafts into the slits. How important is the technicians skills in placement of the grafts? Technicians are also the ones that take the strip once the surgeon removes it and cut the grafts into follicular units...they have to determine how much tissue to leave in..etc.
It seems that the surgeons themselves are only involved with cutting the strip out and making the incisions. So is involvement as important as the technicians involvement?
Also, post-op care (especially during the 1st week after surgery) seems very important. A patient who doesn't take proper care of the grafts can end up losing the grafts or having other problems that can lead to poor yield.
How important are these factors and should we be focusing more on TECHNICIAN skills and PATIENT post-op care than we do?
Some people say they got better yield on the right than left (for example)...could this be because they had two technicians working on their scalp during surgery and the one on the left had less experience...? Or are these factors relating to the patient's post op care? Or is this stuff just random?
This is just my own opinion and not everyone will agree. When you go to a great clinic everyone that is part of the team enjoys being there and excels at what they do. To expect one person to do everything and anything is asking for too much and is a poor way to run a business. It ends up being detrimental to the patient.
We are all different and sometimes we just fit in better doing certain types of work. I would rather have a doctor that concentrates exclusively on being able to in my case extract fue's with the greatest of ease, using very small punches without damaging the grafts because that is where his skill happens to be. Being able to do something in which very few others have the ability. It's also important that the doctor is a natural born artist. And I wouldn't expect Leonardo da Vinici to be lugging cans of paint up the hillside.
Placing grafts is long tedious work it might be better assumed by those who enjoy doing long tedious work. Some are just better equipped for this type of work and that is the person I would want doing it and it could very well not be the doctor. As long as that person is the best at what they do and enjoys being there.
This goes for every other area of the overall experience. I want to have someone that is very personable and knowledgeable in the area of customer service and patient care. The fact is not everyone is suited for this type of work either. How many times have I interacted with someone in customer service who could not muster up a smile and a hello? The most basic skill in customer service.
It has been my experience that a jack of all trades excels at none of them. I have seen enough over the years that a doctor that does it all is sometimes is a very bad choice. Sometimes they have to resort to faster ways of doing things out of necessity, that's bad for the patient. I for one would prefer to pass on the drill or the Extractagraft 2000. But what really stands out with a doctor that tries to do it all is the way that he treats his patients. It always seems to be not very good, but then again this is my own opinion. Maybe I have been through too much over the last 25 years and my standards are just that much higher.
As far as post op care is concerned, the patient has an obligation to follow directions and do all that can be done to promote healing of his own body. This is something I feel very strongly about. One simply cannot do the opposite and then look for others to blame which does happen. I can't tell you how many people I know that end up getting cancer, seek out conventional treatment, and go back to the exact lifestyle that gave them the cancer to begin with. They take absolutely no personal responsibility for their own care and well being. Who is to blame in such a scenario?